Yesterday, Ms. Tomlinson, a newly certified art teacher and myself took advantage of a TAEA One-Day Conference! All professional development should be so much fun! There were 4 sessions and 4 pieces of art created (previews to the possibilities coming next year!)
The first was a pastel portrait, my first ever! I will be practicing more on this, but for an 1 hour session... not too bad at all.

The second was a lesson on Sagmeister Photo/Design Process! I started with a photo of Cheryl Evans, a wonderful artist/educator and watercolorist! I have had the pleasure of meeting her, watching her work and learning from not only her but those she taught! Go Goose Creek!

Now Sagmeister works with the photo being trimmed out and then having a background added so here is the photo as Sagmeister might have done it! I will say I did not have time to make my own background so this was a ready made just for the example.

This was is what it looks like from the back in all white! I couldn't decide which way I liked it best!

The third session involved Dale Chihuly ( style magnets!
It starts off flat and this was my design!
Add heat and the magic begins! Hot glue a magnet (round black thing) and it is a beautiful little piece of scultpure inspired by Mr. Chihuly.
The last session was on Repousse, metal tooling I worked outside the lesson plan but it worked beautifully!
Big Thanks to Jami Bevans, Suzanne Green, Christine Grafe, Kim Marshall (seen above with me) & Samantha Melvin (who introduced me to tunnel books, I just didn't get to go to her session!)!!!!!
And to all the people responsible for giving of their time to better the rest of us...
Thank you all for sharing your artistic know-how and enthusiasm!