Sunday, August 31, 2014

If All PD could feel like Summer Camp!

Do you ever tend to hyperfocus on something? Well, I do. The first couple of posts I mentioned
a possible 5 preps this year! Thank you, God, that is no longer my reality. But prior to Aug. 4, it was and my mind was in overdrive. So, knowing I needed to refocus, I made a decision to focus on art for the week as I had signed up for a week long workshop at the Museum of Fine Art's Glassell School. It was just what I needed.

Day 1: A trip to the museum, Collage, Picasso drawing, & a Selfie
Day 2: Photo Transfers of Day 1's artwork
Day 3: Encaustics... melting crayons is so much more fun than breaking them!!!
Day 4: Assemblage & Emotional Paintings
Day 5: Abstract Art Booklet & Trading Cards

As our facilitator, Jason's goal was that we would leave creatively exhausted at the end of each day! It worked. I made so much art and so many new friends!

Note to Administrators: Professional Development can and should be more like Summer Camp!!!

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